UK Lottery Results

Getting the right UK lottery results is one of the most life changing experiences you can have. If you win, you’re set for a good long while and the difference in your lifestyle will be almost immediately seen. You however, might assume right off that winning the lottery is impossible.

Those odds are so ridiculously high right? Well, it’s not impossible to win the UK National Lottery if you know which numbers occur most and what to look for when you choose your numbers.

Keeping in mind that there is technically an equal chance of any numbers arising when pulling them in the lottery, there are still a few that occur more often than others.

For those that pick the right numbers and winners who have followed the advice of those that came before them, it’s hard to believe that these numbers don’t stand a better chance.

In the UK National Lottery, the differential between winning numbers is almost 60 occurrences. The least commonly chosen numbers have only occurred 119 times, while the most common number has occurred 176. Out of 1190 lottery drawings, a 45% difference is fairly substantial.

The majority of the numbers in the middle of the field fall in the 140-150 range with 19 of the 49 numbers having occurred that many times.

So, ignoring those numbers completely, the following UK National Lottery numbers are the ones with somewhat anomalous results. The number on the left is the amount of times that a winning number has occurred in the UK lottery results while the numbers on the right are the winning numbers.

176 38

166 44

165 43

160 11 25 31 47

158 23

157 48

155 30

139 17

138 34

137 05

136 03 24

133 36

132 21 37

131 15

129 16

121 13

119 20 41

The bonus number is a different story altogether with the frequency ranging between 12 and 34 times per number. For those looking for the numbers pulled more frequently than any others in the UK lottery results, consider the following:

34 38

33 06 20 45

32 21 25 31

30 08

29 09

28 17 28

27 23 29 36 37 42

26 12 14 24 33 34

25 11 22 30 41 43 47

Whereas you’ll find that the following numbers have shown up much less, falling on the other side of median:

24 46

23 03 15 35

22 01 10 16 26

21 04 05 48

20 44 49

19 02 18

18 07

17 27 32

16 40

15 13

14 39

12 19

Choosing your lottery numbers is hard and many people will research and study for hours to pick their numbers every week. Largely, most numbers fall into a set pattern in the midst of the pack, but there are certain numbers that stand far above others and frequent winners. Paying attention to those numbers, you can not only stand a better chance but feel better about your numbers than if you’d pulled a random ticket.

Click here to see 2 reasons why I keep making money with the lottery.

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